Scientific Programme
The Main Topic
The main topic of the workshop is Population census based on administrative data.
Other topics
Other topics related to survey statistics are welcome to be presented as lectures or contributed papers, for example:
- Model-based and non-parametric methods:
- Bayesian methods
- Multilevel and hierarchical modelling of survey data
- Non-parametric methods in survey statistics
- Poverty mapping
- Small area estimation
- Non-response and non-sampling errors in surveys:
- Data editing and imputation techniques
- Estimation in the presence of non-response
- Measurement errors in surveys
- Sampling design and estimation methods:
- Sampling design
- Variance estimation
- Weighting strategies
- Design and analysis of complex surveys
- Design and estimation strategies using auxiliary data
- Software for survey sampling and analysis
- Calibration techniques
- Combining data from registers, surveys and associated methods:
- Register based statistics
- The use and integration of administrative data
- Combining data from surveys and registers, record linkage, data fusion
- Use of big data, web and internet surveys:
- Survey data mining
- Web surveys
- Big data, methods and applications
- Survey methodology:
- Business survey methodology
- Demography
- Longitudinal and panel surveys
- Questionnaire design and testing
- Statistical disclosure control methods
- Teaching of survey statistics