Either you are an expert in statistics or a scientist, an official data producer or a data user, a teacher or a student, we are pleased to invite you to participate at the ISCCRO’18: The 2nd International Statistical Conference in Croatia, to be held on 10 – 11 May 2018 in Opatija (at the beautiful seaside) in Croatia.
CONFERENCE TOPIC: „New Advances in Statistical Methods Applications for a Better World“
(How to reach Opatija? Available at: http://www.opatija.net/en/map; the closest airport is Rijeka Airport)
The ISCCRO’18 authors may select between the following two options:
(1) the “Abstract Only” option, or
(2) the “Full Paper” option.
Abstract submissions until November 20, 2017. If you need more time, please, contact the ISCCRO’18 management at: conference@hsd-stat.hr.
– REGULAR TOPICS / STREAMS (Applications of Statistics · Medical Statistics · Communicating & Teaching Statistics · Biometrics · Data Science · Statistical Methods & Theory · Environmental/ Spatial Statistics · Official Statistics & Public Policy · Industry & Commerce · Social Statistics · The cross-discipline applied submissions are welcome!)
– SPECIAL SESSIONS TOPICS: http://www.hsd-stat.hr/en/international-statistical-conference-in-croatia-isccro18/special-sessions/
(Special Sessions Proposals are still possible, so, send it to: kdumicic@efzg.hr)
For more information, please, consult the ISCCRO’18 Call for Papers website.
Keynote Speakers:
*Prof. Wolfgang K. Härdle
Humboldt-Univ. of Berlin, School of Business and Economics, Berlin, Germany
Plenary Speech: ” DS2: Data Science & Digital Society”
*Prof. Amanda L. Golbeck
Univ. of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Plenary Speech: “New Data on the Statistics Profession“
*Prof. Lea Bregar
Univ. of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Plenary Speech: “Modernisation of Official Statistics: Implications for Users”
*Prof. Sasa Zikovic
Univ. of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics, Rijeka, Croatia
Plenary Speech: “Forecasting High Frequency Data Using Advanced Machine Learning”
Here you may find:
** Instructions for Authors;
** Important Dates.
We would appreciate if you might forward the attached ISCCRO’18 Call for Papers to your colleagues that might be interested in.
We are looking forward to meeting you at the ISCCRO’18 in Opatija, at the beautiful Croatian Adriatic Coast, on 10-11 May 2018!
On behalf of the 2nd ISCCRO’18 Organising and Scientific Committees:
Full Professor Ksenija Dumicic, PhD
ISCCRO Conference Program Chair
www.efzg.unizg.hr/kdumicic; ksenija.dumicic@hsd-stat.hr or kdumicic@efzg.hr
President of the Croatian Statistical Association (CSA); http://www.hsd-stat.hr/en/
// Predsjednik Hrvatskog statistickog drustva (HSD)